Is not having someone to talk to, a problem?
Maybe, I'm getting headaches doing nothing but painting and checking the internet during the weekdays.
Messaging is not enough, just not enough.
The wait is just painful.
When, you live in the present, everything is done now, nothing is done in the future; nothing can be changed in the past.
This, is one of the times I question what is more to life now? I feel like a robot waiting for it's transference to another facility, either continue to repeat what has been programmed to do or get a personality upgrade and interact with humans.
Are you reading this? Do you find me pitiful? Do you feel better about yourself now?
Am I paranoid? Let me ask you then, if you were me, if you were really me, how would you feel if you are always thinking, thinking, thinking and thinking; nothing to distract yourself, from yourself.
You wouldn't be able to, but I can understand, because I see the same way as you see me, like two minds endless arguing what is right, what is wrong.
In stories, whether fictional or true, someone's always there for the main character to interact to flesh out his personality and characteristics. I always thought life is full of colours, bright ones and dark ones, never totally gray. But somehow, I always end up to be the odd one out.
I end up being a story I've heard of, because I have no idea what to expect in the future. I'm like no other person's life, maybe a few similarities but never have I felt I belonged and suited.
Has anyone played the silent, lone wolf, kind, tolerant, patient, anxious and cautious main character? It's not easy, the character is prone to social anxiety disorder if it does not regularly interact with people. What is this character going to do, if there is no NPCs or other team members to talk to but only able to do quests and level up. Why does such a person exist?
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