02 July 2010

Promises, i made them myself.

When are promises made if it is not expressly shown?

Is the person making it, and then puts a lot of commitment to make it come true,
makes it a promise? Regardless of the promissee's real interpretation of the act...?

Or is it when the person wishes you to fulfil the act;
that you have put so much faith in it.
But at the end, you did not,
only realizing the failure to commit the act,
actually was something meaningful to you.

Realizing that the act had failed to be achieved,
was really a promise that was broken unintentionally.

Or maybe it was the promissee's idiocy,
to believe in something that does not exist.

Nevertheless, someone was hurt by an omission of an act,
just because you said yes to do something.

How many promises you have made indirectly and had hurt people in the process?
Well a word of advice, just don't "i will" about anything.
I'm not gonna say those words until i am absolutely certain.

Was i forceful in my words and wasn't merely wanting you do to something?
If it is, forgive me, i was being selfish.
If it isn't, then shame on me, i was too hopeful.

either way,
i'm tired of giving too much hope on self-proclaimed promises,
i'm tired of imagining the promises to come true,
i'm tired of waiting it again and again,
i'm tired of wondering promises are really full or empty.

i'll let fate fulfill the promises made to me, but i will let myself fulfill the promises i made to you.

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