05 June 2012

Walk between worlds.

Let's talk about dreams again since I have an imaginative mind, some of them makes an impression as to stay in my memory for sometime. While sometimes I momentarily mixed my real past with my dreams, if I were to talk more to people, I'd be afraid to recall memories to confirm something.

Today's dream wasn't very clear but I remembered two scenes.
The first one being a bit gory than usual, I was on the road with my family perhaps but the road was wet, probably there was rain before. The unusual occurrence were pools of blood and post-accidents on the road, frequently encountering them. It wasn't disgusting or scary, just confusing. I wonder why these odd dreams come out, I understand that when I often drove to college, I see a lot of accidents, road kills and ambulances. But why dream of it?

The second one was much more vivid but I was definitely arguing with a friend. This is much more of a 'confrontation' by my dream towards myself, It was basically about us not meeting each other for a while and we argued who was suppose to call to hang out. After waking up I realise the argument didn't make much sense though. I know for a fact I'm not ignoring my friends nor is that my friends are ignoring me. The dreams applicable to all my friends actually, so I wouldn't be wrong to say I'm especially close for a friend would confront me about the reason not hanging out with them.

When you have friends that have their lovers, it just can't happen.
When you have friends with closer friends, it just can't happen.
When you have friends in another country, it just can't happen.

I have other sorts of dreams too, some of them are action packed, probably due to the games I play.
Whilst some are just realities that is too good to be true but those usually are the ones that are the longest.
Dreaming of someone you like was your girlfriend and spending romantic evenings,
dreaming of trips to exciting places with friends you never thought would go with again.
Basically my version of a 'promised land'.

Often when I wake up I feel dread that I came back to the real world again. But I usually try to see how long I've been sleeping because I'm always worried I might one day never want to wake up. The longer I slept, the more likely the dream was really good and didn't wake up just because I wanted the dream to last longer.

I'm not sure if that's possible, but even though I don't really like it 'here'. It's where I really exist.

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