06 June 2010

I tolerate your nonsense, you tolerate my nonsense.

I have always thought that i will eventually release every bit of me in here one day, sometimes i feel it's near to that day, sometimes, not so much. There just seems to be an endless cycle of feelings for all of us, have we ever thought of why.

I don't have the answer, maybe we're controlled by the laws of nature, maybe we're just too use to it, we find it comforting for us. I just find those reasons annoying and complicated.

Since that day, it is inevitable that those past feelings linger, but still, i introduce more in my life. That really just indicates i'm not committed to be in any relationship, wanting to satisfy both my needs and a girl's needs, just says that i'm still content with being single, being single meant to me that the feelings of, 'i'd be the happiest guy in the world when i both find satisfaction for myself and the girl eyeing on', just screams of immaturity.

Time is so slow that it is enough for me to change my mind and feelings right after the next week. So slow that i can think about many options i have with a person i want to know better and be with. I think too much, too far in the future, too clear on the consequences, too scared to take any action about it though.

My mind now, there's two girls, hmmph, maybe later there would be three or even more than i can apprehend right now. Either i'm just desperate for attention, or i just have no where, no person , no time to talk things like this, i agree about why people will don't ever talk or write something like this, you have no choice to keep most of your secrets to yourself. However, for me, i've said almost everything about myself in terms of my feelings about facts, it's always hard nevertheless.

I hate people being ignorant about the process of their acts, that's a fact, but insensitivity, we all have it to some extent, if i was that kind of person, i wouldn't had bother inviting you for the activities, because i think a lot before i act in order to satisfy the majority, when i may find myself trying to avoid saying something hurtful and quickly use another way to express it; when i see people just criticizes someone and gives no advice, when i see someone just ignores the majority's feelings and decides on her own accord, that feeling of slapping some hard sense to her is always there no matter what, yet as a friend i tolerate her, the ones' that were hurt by her words, her actions, tolerates her too, because not like her, we have manners, we are friends, but most importantly we have a heart that's connected to the mind.

To tell the truth, i really, really, really hate it when people stops me or anyone from speaking in cantonese which we won't be fluent in, what's your f*cking problem? So what if i suck at using the language, does it give you the right to push my face down to the ground and stepped on? More so i don't think you're grasp of the language is any better than a Chinese from Hong Kong. If you speak to a chinese from Hong Kong in Cantonese and he understands and f*cking laugh at you, only then i might listen to your gibber jabber how bad my cantonese. Hey, at least we're trying to learn how to use it, some of us are not raised by our parents and at the same time using cantonese to speak for your information, how else are we going to learn, by you demotivating us? Do you think being able to speak cantonese gives you the right to be a jerk? F*ck you all who has looked down and made fun of us.

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