26 December 2009

Journey to memory lane, literally.

Some really personal boring thoughts about my Christmas. Read all you like and ignore such issues as you see me later.

25th December 09

First time fetched people around KL, i was worried about my driving and navigation skills since it was also my first time driving from home to Subang, sorry for the rough rides and mishaps along the journey, but have to give thanks to Marcus for making my life easier with his help directing me on the road and helping me sending Debbie and MQ back home, really appreciated it.

First time went back home around midnight from KL, after sending back Kean Hoe, i was alone on my final journey back to home sweet home. Suprisingly, not as scared or worried about it but it keeps my mind filled with thoughts.

Dead tired when i was back, although the open house was fun and special, i was hoping i could let out some thoughts to a suitable person that would lend his/her ear for me to just say something but sadly, still not anytime soon; guys were talking serious or jokes, nothing i can't enjoy but i think i'm more of a guy that likes to hear or talk about gossips. Not lying but at that time i was more interested on what the girls were talking about in Geraldine's room, and interested in a place that has electronic fans. Well, i didn't have the chance that night so again, i'll just write it over here again, since i'm not great with words and all that being shy crap excuses i give to myself.

When i go around places, either just passing by or having some business over there, i get reminded about the friends living there or there was this one time we spent time together at that place. And while passing by this kind of places, i'll get all nostalgic, heh. It's a wonderful feeling that my friends seems to be in all places wherever i go. How should i put it... let's see... I feel that, sometimes just by telling or doing something about and at places respectively, it leaves behind fragments that reminds me back about certain friends.

Feel as if though i was never truly alone when i drove back home this midnight. I carry part of them in my heart as i went pass familiar places so i guess, superficially, my friends had given me strength through this silly thing i believe even if they didn't mean to. Nice qoute from Kean Hoe today, "Well, being tired is said to be a good sign of you're living up a life, would you rather be relaxed all the time and do nothing?" Totally agreed on it, what's so bad about being tired when the reason for it is to help others and yourself in life?

Really tired now, but, great that the reason was you. So thanks again anyways. Wishin a marvellous new year.

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