31 December 2009

Before 2010, Kumar's Diagram translated by me

So, as far as I can decipher the diagram above which Mr. Kumar, our lecturer has drawn which I am now going to explain the scenario he has vaguely given.

It seems the offeror, let us call him Mr. A, posted an offer letter to sell a good to the offeree, Mr. B on the 10th of a certain month. Mr. B received the letter of offer two days later which 12th of the same month. On the next day, Mr. B at first agreed on the terms in the offer letter and posted an acceptance letter to Mr. A which is the 13th of the same month. Prior the letter of acceptance being received by Mr. A which is only the next day, 14th of the same month, Mr. B decided to reject his previous acceptance on the offer, hence, Mr. B used another means of communication that is faster than the postage of the letter to contact Mr. A of not accepting any letter he was going to receive and told him he wants to reject the offer and cancel the letter of acceptance.

So, the question is now, in this scenario, is there a contract made between Mr. A and Mr. B or has the the offer been rejected? Give your opinions on this matter with supporting principles, cases and other relevant legislation on your answer.

Real blog post later around after midnight.

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