How long has it been? a full week? yeah i pretty much lost the time to write 'My Days' for sometime but luckily i got some today. I kinda miss writing too, actually, and i realised that just before the 4th month started, my mind and hands had started to itch me about it, hah. I'm going to just write all the days i missed into this one post but not immediately, you'll find that I'll be updating it for sometime before it's complete, so be warned it's gonna be the longest post i ever done and i might forget bits of stuff here and there. Oh, and uh, sorry to anyone who's reading up til now!
Day 17 - Warming Descend but not so Earthly Hour - 28th March 2008
Well not so good of a sleep when your being squeezed by two people beside you the whole time, it will do. It was already time to check out so by time things didn't look blurry from my eyes, we're already half way down the mountain and while we were there, dad wanted to go to the Education UK Expo 2009 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center and the way we go, yay.
Bad news is that all of those universities are situated in England, well duh, but one common thing about them is that all of them are expensive and hard to get a scholarship. Well it can't be bothered now anyways since I'm going to be studying A-Levels in Malaysia. The point of going there was that my dad wants to check the universities in England I'd be going after a couple of years.
There was one foreign counsellor for a university, a UK citizen we met at the fair, well maybe my dad was nervous or something ..when he wanted to converse with her, his voice was getting softer when she tries to speak with him until i think my dad sorta mumbled a bit at that time so it was up to me to speak with her. Quite frankly, it was because my dad couldn't understand her way of speaking in English, well you know, British English is not usually what my dad hears about, fortunately, i can't say i fully understand what she was speaking about but most of the time, yes as i had watch plenty of British movies and i sorta always try to speak like them ..sometimes. So we talked a bit, no process but she was sorta polite and a nice person to chat with, to be honest, I'll say this, what a big difference between foreigners and Malaysians.
After that we left the fair, few mistakes made trying to search for Max(he was hanging with his girlfriend, not knowing where) but we manage to find each other again and went for home. Before going home, we went to pick up Max's car at a workshop first and went back home after that has done. Because today, there's this Earth Hour to celebrate all around the world, after Terb came back home from his apartment, we went out to buy food for steamboat(for anyone who doesn't know, it's the opposite of BBQ, you're suppose to put uncooked food into a large bowl of hot soup and you DIY all of it, it's fun.). Well, when Earth Hour started, i think a few things didn't go so smoothly, for instance, most of the town are still covered with artificial lights, hmmph, typical Malaysian i guess. Good thing though, Kuala Lumpur and most major cities did cooperate and celebrated Earth Hour, that made me a bit more proud of being Malaysian a bit. OK, theres a few other miscellaneous things bothered me was Max was not as in to celebrating it, the steamboat preparations were a bit late, the street lights were still lit.
But other than that, the next neighbours were motivated by us and decided to close their lights too, even for a few minutes only, i give my thanks to all that closed their lights that day, i like you all, hahah.
Day 18 - Final Fantasy : The Last Day Of Relaxation - 29th March 2009
Tomorrow might be the day that i will not be able to use the computer much anymore(and was it so damn true). So i probably used my computer for the next quarters time of the days(can't remember much), i didn't went out though, probably because my mind was full of thoughts about tomorrow, well you know, first day of college; you usually get super nervous about it and what not.
I can say that, today was a bit wasted for i was thinking much of my future most, at that present moment. I thought about my friends, teachers, my old school life, yeah, alot of things are going to change. Well good thing is that i still get to go back home, the college ain't far away so I'm still living with my parents. However, there'll be alot lesser times catching back with old friends now. Some sacrifices have to be made i guess.
Orientation Trilogy
Day 19 - Orientation - 30th March 2009
Today is the day, got up quite early, probably my first time this year to have my own purpose and reasons to wake up in the morning, yeah, quite shocking isn't it? Ok, so today's the first day that I'm going to college, my parents gave me a ride as they were going to pay for the college fee to state one of the reasons. One more thing, i was still goddamn nervous about it though.
Basically, when i got into orientation class, loads of people coming in, only a few familiar faces, not gonna say much but there were really alot of people there, more than i expected. The lecturer, Kumar, probably someone i will meet again the next two days of orientation, was a funny and cool guy i guess, he's classes weren't as boring as would of thought. In fact it was really interesting, we first had a few introductions, then loads of activities to do and teaching us what,why, how to study properly and mostly philosophies of studies. Which made me quite drawn towards his teachings though not for some people in the class and looking forward to his other lessons the next few times in college. Oh, i made a few friends in the process too, mostly by breaking my shyness, heh.
Then that my parents fetch me back home, i was exhausted that only after getting back home, i went to take a nap but that nap turned into a really long sleep; i just practically slept until the very next morning. Probably because the nervousness and studying a bit for myself today made me really mentally exhausted, i felt useless as i sleep through the whole night but meh, it's probably worth it.
Day 20 - Orientation 2 - 31st March 2009
Not going to college with my parents today as I'm going to take the train alone this time, when i think about it, it was the first time i rode the train alone, usually i only ride the train when i go shopping with friends, shocking, isn't it?
Anyways there was no problem getting to the college cause it's just walking distance from the train station, so the maximum time i can use to get there is only about 10 minutes. I had loads of fun again when the orientation started, i get to meet some new friends, play some balls, solve puzzles and learn interesting things from Kumar. Time flies by for me, parents fetched me, not tired today though as i stopped studying a bit so i wasn't going to sleep for really long like yesterday.
Too bad it's going to end after tomorrow but i made some good memories out of it. Again i felt today was fully used, another interesting day too.
Day 21 - Orientation 3-Last Lesson - 1st April 2009
April . Fools . Day if if the radio didn't 'warn' me about it i could have been pranked alot on that day
29 March 2009
28 March 2009
Day 16 - Cold Check In
Day 16 - 27th March 2009
Well, right after getting back home from my apartment, i was going to Genting Highlands with my parents and Max for one night. It's not unusual i guess for my parents to go up those hills and have a gamble every once in a month. It's not bad for me since well i have like, less than two days of free time to enjoy it.
So we packed up our belongings and thought we had put inside all of them in our car after leaving our home. We stopped by a small town called Ulu Yam, to have some of it's famous 'lor mee' for our meal. Well, in my opinion i think it's tasty because you can add vinegar yourself, it's not really the noodle itself tastes nice.
Up the hill, up the hill, up the hill, oh, had the urge to expel 'fluids' from my body so i went to a temple near G.Highlands, had a few walks around the place, took some pictures, look at some view points and continued climbing up the mountain, not literally of course. Only when we were at the hotel, we made one big mistake - we didn't our clothes and blankets which was inside one of our luggage. Well, look on the bright side, at least we're staying for one night, a really cold one. Then my mom called Aunt and Uncle Tan to bring some extra blankets as they coming up here with us later. I haven't mention that Cousin Hao was coming with them too, yeah he's one of my cousins but the albeit old ones, older than my eldest brother, Ulti.
Well i'm not gonna say much after they came up here, we ate together in one of those restaurants in the hotels there. Then the gambling begins, my parents went to the casino with Aunt and Uncle Tan. So leaving Max, Cousin Hao and me to do whatever we want. Well first we went to the nearby arcades of course, played some games, there's one gun-shooting game we played for like 30 minutes before losing, leaving us with very sore hands but it was fun because we could play that long. Then we played pool for a bit, Cousin Hao was good at it, well don't think he's better than Terb though, he's pro in it. So finally we were a bit tired so we went to Starbucks and had a chat there for quite some time before Cousin Hao decides to go gambling a bit himself with his parents.
Well for me i probably won't want to go in the casino if even when i could, the whole place is stink of tabacco and with the sort of people going in it, it just looks... unmannered. Well me and my bro went back to our room and some movie until my parents came, oh, the others aren't staying, they immediately went back to their home. Well from time to time of this day, i did read my As Law textbook, i could never forget about my studies now since it's only a few days left before my orientation sessions. Because of that i probably will reject any requests from my friends asking me to hang out together from now onwards as i always put my future first and last for short-timed desires for myself. I do hope any of my friends reading this understand and i would like to apologize for any disappointment made from me. Well can probably say i wouldn't be much of a friend for the time being, hah.
Well, right after getting back home from my apartment, i was going to Genting Highlands with my parents and Max for one night. It's not unusual i guess for my parents to go up those hills and have a gamble every once in a month. It's not bad for me since well i have like, less than two days of free time to enjoy it.
So we packed up our belongings and thought we had put inside all of them in our car after leaving our home. We stopped by a small town called Ulu Yam, to have some of it's famous 'lor mee' for our meal. Well, in my opinion i think it's tasty because you can add vinegar yourself, it's not really the noodle itself tastes nice.
Up the hill, up the hill, up the hill, oh, had the urge to expel 'fluids' from my body so i went to a temple near G.Highlands, had a few walks around the place, took some pictures, look at some view points and continued climbing up the mountain, not literally of course. Only when we were at the hotel, we made one big mistake - we didn't our clothes and blankets which was inside one of our luggage. Well, look on the bright side, at least we're staying for one night, a really cold one. Then my mom called Aunt and Uncle Tan to bring some extra blankets as they coming up here with us later. I haven't mention that Cousin Hao was coming with them too, yeah he's one of my cousins but the albeit old ones, older than my eldest brother, Ulti.
Well i'm not gonna say much after they came up here, we ate together in one of those restaurants in the hotels there. Then the gambling begins, my parents went to the casino with Aunt and Uncle Tan. So leaving Max, Cousin Hao and me to do whatever we want. Well first we went to the nearby arcades of course, played some games, there's one gun-shooting game we played for like 30 minutes before losing, leaving us with very sore hands but it was fun because we could play that long. Then we played pool for a bit, Cousin Hao was good at it, well don't think he's better than Terb though, he's pro in it. So finally we were a bit tired so we went to Starbucks and had a chat there for quite some time before Cousin Hao decides to go gambling a bit himself with his parents.
Well for me i probably won't want to go in the casino if even when i could, the whole place is stink of tabacco and with the sort of people going in it, it just looks... unmannered. Well me and my bro went back to our room and some movie until my parents came, oh, the others aren't staying, they immediately went back to their home. Well from time to time of this day, i did read my As Law textbook, i could never forget about my studies now since it's only a few days left before my orientation sessions. Because of that i probably will reject any requests from my friends asking me to hang out together from now onwards as i always put my future first and last for short-timed desires for myself. I do hope any of my friends reading this understand and i would like to apologize for any disappointment made from me. Well can probably say i wouldn't be much of a friend for the time being, hah.
27 March 2009
Day 15 - No Hang Out After Shopping
Day 15 - 26th March 2009
Got up feeling real bad, didn't take my bath yesterday so i immediately went for shower the next few minutes once after i had open my eyes and boy does that... didn't freshen me up at all.. ate breakfast at a vegetarian restaurant, and went for the shopping mall to buy some clothes for college. At that time, damn, my eyes were really dry, it was hard to keep my composure while trying to keep my eyes open.
Bought some clothes, we were going back home(not apartment); dad's driving though, my eyes were irritating, my stomach was killing, i didn't felt good :). But i thought to myself, today's probably the last day i can go hang out with my friends but man things couldn't go as well as i wished, some friends needed me to give them a ride first but i couldn't cause of the recent criminal events so can't fetch them. Therefore they can't and other's that can go by themselves won't go either.
So i probably missed my last chance but i don't feel that bad or regretful probably because they ain't much of friends i can totally trust i.e true friendship among people i know. Yeah, maybe i still haven't found one but i still have a long way to go. Man, i probably gonna miss them anyways, since i'll be busy studying for the first whole year of A-Level, no goofing around permanently, heh.
Got up feeling real bad, didn't take my bath yesterday so i immediately went for shower the next few minutes once after i had open my eyes and boy does that... didn't freshen me up at all.. ate breakfast at a vegetarian restaurant, and went for the shopping mall to buy some clothes for college. At that time, damn, my eyes were really dry, it was hard to keep my composure while trying to keep my eyes open.
Bought some clothes, we were going back home(not apartment); dad's driving though, my eyes were irritating, my stomach was killing, i didn't felt good :). But i thought to myself, today's probably the last day i can go hang out with my friends but man things couldn't go as well as i wished, some friends needed me to give them a ride first but i couldn't cause of the recent criminal events so can't fetch them. Therefore they can't and other's that can go by themselves won't go either.
So i probably missed my last chance but i don't feel that bad or regretful probably because they ain't much of friends i can totally trust i.e true friendship among people i know. Yeah, maybe i still haven't found one but i still have a long way to go. Man, i probably gonna miss them anyways, since i'll be busy studying for the first whole year of A-Level, no goofing around permanently, heh.
26 March 2009
Day 14 - Revealed Crime before Watchmen
Day 14 - 24th March 2009
About last night's events, it has been revealed today that the two suspicious people riding the motorcycle were really robbers *GASP*. Fortunately, they were beaten up by the people they were robbing from before getting arrested by the police officers, they were beaten up so badly that they had to be hospitalized, in my opinion, they deserved it, period.
Bad news is that they weren't probably the only ones and there maybe still more of their kind. So, don't think the bad wind has stopped blowing at you cause the whole typhoon is behind it. Anyone reading this i would like you to exercise more caution, i hope that you guys are gonna be safe.
OK.. back to my day, guess what? Going out again, and this time my dad's has some work at some place far from town and after that, not going back my home but the other 'home' which is my family's apartment. The one i wrote about at Day 2? Yes that's the one.
So i was driving on the highway to our dad's work place, kinda boring since most of the time it's a straight road, i can literally use only fingers to control the steering. Once there, me and my mom waited in the car, i pull out the unfinished random girl i started drawing and mom was like 'What the hell is that? Let me help you with it.' and starts advising me on drawing the girl, to my amazement my mom probably had some talent in drawing, i immediately notice what i did wrong after she corrected some of my mistakes.
Hmm, when am i going to post that drawing? Not sure but sooner or later i guess, i probably continue to draw that girl to higher details each time i scan it into my computer, feels like my drawing grows each day, hah.
Anyways after my dad was done working, we went to our apartment, i immediately slept there for like 2 hours, yeah i was sorta tired from driving. Later, Max was coming here too, since today the nearby theater has cheaper tickets for movies so me and Max went to watch some movie and we picked 'Watchmen'. Only to know that the movie was 2 hours and 30 minutes long so we watched it till after midnight. The movie was kinda cool even though it's long like 'Dark Knight' but except for those 'awkward moments' which were uneasy to look at if you know what i mean.
Movie finished, went back to apartment, gotten loads of Zzzs.
The End.
About last night's events, it has been revealed today that the two suspicious people riding the motorcycle were really robbers *GASP*. Fortunately, they were beaten up by the people they were robbing from before getting arrested by the police officers, they were beaten up so badly that they had to be hospitalized, in my opinion, they deserved it, period.
Bad news is that they weren't probably the only ones and there maybe still more of their kind. So, don't think the bad wind has stopped blowing at you cause the whole typhoon is behind it. Anyone reading this i would like you to exercise more caution, i hope that you guys are gonna be safe.
OK.. back to my day, guess what? Going out again, and this time my dad's has some work at some place far from town and after that, not going back my home but the other 'home' which is my family's apartment. The one i wrote about at Day 2? Yes that's the one.
So i was driving on the highway to our dad's work place, kinda boring since most of the time it's a straight road, i can literally use only fingers to control the steering. Once there, me and my mom waited in the car, i pull out the unfinished random girl i started drawing and mom was like 'What the hell is that? Let me help you with it.' and starts advising me on drawing the girl, to my amazement my mom probably had some talent in drawing, i immediately notice what i did wrong after she corrected some of my mistakes.
Hmm, when am i going to post that drawing? Not sure but sooner or later i guess, i probably continue to draw that girl to higher details each time i scan it into my computer, feels like my drawing grows each day, hah.
Anyways after my dad was done working, we went to our apartment, i immediately slept there for like 2 hours, yeah i was sorta tired from driving. Later, Max was coming here too, since today the nearby theater has cheaper tickets for movies so me and Max went to watch some movie and we picked 'Watchmen'. Only to know that the movie was 2 hours and 30 minutes long so we watched it till after midnight. The movie was kinda cool even though it's long like 'Dark Knight' but except for those 'awkward moments' which were uneasy to look at if you know what i mean.
Movie finished, went back to apartment, gotten loads of Zzzs.
The End.
25 March 2009
Day 13 - Uneasy situation after a reading
Anyone living in all of KL areas, be careful at all times because it is now not safe at all times and anywhere you are, crime is increasing, stay cautious stay safe.
Day 13 - 24th March 2009
Today i had that itching feeling to grab my AS Law book, i haven't read it in a while since recently i received it. Quite interesting, i read it from the introduction page first, to get an understanding what i am gonna in later times. I will be even learning how law is made and it's history development in British constitution. I don't want to say anything about it cause it's quite boring for most people but i read the book the whole afternoon, sitting outside as the weather was quite nice. Much to say is that i don't think choosing law studies was a bad idea since it is written in English.
Ok, here's something suspicious happened during the night, my mom didn't cook dinner because only me and my parents were home so we went out to eat. When we were locking our gates, there's this one motorcycle that kept driving back and forth for several times, we panicked, my mom quickly went into the car, i was in the driving seat but dad was still standing outside watching them, only when my mom shouted for dad to come in the car he did afterwards, he's explaination was our neighbour was watching them too. The suspicious people were two Indians which looked like they on the look out for something, driving quickly and talking with each other, i managed to hear mumblings from them but don't what were they talking about. After dinner, we came back home cautiously, looking the surroundings then only afterwards we relax a little bit after we shut the gates.
Our next door neighbour came out to talk with us about what happened, it seems he was as clueless as we are at the moment. But after that we still look outside every once in a while, hey, you can never be too cautious right?
Day 13 - 24th March 2009
Today i had that itching feeling to grab my AS Law book, i haven't read it in a while since recently i received it. Quite interesting, i read it from the introduction page first, to get an understanding what i am gonna in later times. I will be even learning how law is made and it's history development in British constitution. I don't want to say anything about it cause it's quite boring for most people but i read the book the whole afternoon, sitting outside as the weather was quite nice. Much to say is that i don't think choosing law studies was a bad idea since it is written in English.
Ok, here's something suspicious happened during the night, my mom didn't cook dinner because only me and my parents were home so we went out to eat. When we were locking our gates, there's this one motorcycle that kept driving back and forth for several times, we panicked, my mom quickly went into the car, i was in the driving seat but dad was still standing outside watching them, only when my mom shouted for dad to come in the car he did afterwards, he's explaination was our neighbour was watching them too. The suspicious people were two Indians which looked like they on the look out for something, driving quickly and talking with each other, i managed to hear mumblings from them but don't what were they talking about. After dinner, we came back home cautiously, looking the surroundings then only afterwards we relax a little bit after we shut the gates.
Our next door neighbour came out to talk with us about what happened, it seems he was as clueless as we are at the moment. But after that we still look outside every once in a while, hey, you can never be too cautious right?
24 March 2009
Day 12 - Waiting Time
Day 12 - 23rd 2009
Less than a week until 'that' time comes, i feel sorta like I'm waiting for it; haven't doing much lately except playing loads of games to waste time, i felt quite bad actually. But i break free from it with a little drawing on the random girl i haven't finished drawing 3 days ago. I got to say you can learn quite a lot about perspectives of objects by just making mistakes; from mistakes i was able to imagine a more corrective picture. Unfortunately because of that, i couldn't finish much about the details on the drawing, it took quite a long time before i got the silhouette of the person right and it still looks bad.
Meh, didn't take any art lessons so it couldn't be helped i guess. I just think drawing is just something i like to do once in a while but not something I'm talented at. Maybe because i just wanted to put feelings and thoughts into my drawing, nothing out of ordinary.
Oh i think there was one of my brother i haven't mentioned, Kah Leong, my eldest brother. Man.. writing real names are weird so i'm just gonna change Kah Leong to 'Ulti' and Boon Liang to 'Terb' since those are their internet nicknames.
So about today, my brother, Ulti went outside to fetch his girlfriend and buy some 2GB RAMs. Well, the RAMs are sorta of my present for my results, a bit late but it didn't matter. He's the kind of people that don't really know how to show affection to people so when he does something like this it feels kinda awkward.
It's just got to show some people that family love exists in all of us, even if you don't notice it, it's always there. It's just most people used the wrong methods to do so.
Less than a week until 'that' time comes, i feel sorta like I'm waiting for it; haven't doing much lately except playing loads of games to waste time, i felt quite bad actually. But i break free from it with a little drawing on the random girl i haven't finished drawing 3 days ago. I got to say you can learn quite a lot about perspectives of objects by just making mistakes; from mistakes i was able to imagine a more corrective picture. Unfortunately because of that, i couldn't finish much about the details on the drawing, it took quite a long time before i got the silhouette of the person right and it still looks bad.
Meh, didn't take any art lessons so it couldn't be helped i guess. I just think drawing is just something i like to do once in a while but not something I'm talented at. Maybe because i just wanted to put feelings and thoughts into my drawing, nothing out of ordinary.
Oh i think there was one of my brother i haven't mentioned, Kah Leong, my eldest brother. Man.. writing real names are weird so i'm just gonna change Kah Leong to 'Ulti' and Boon Liang to 'Terb' since those are their internet nicknames.
So about today, my brother, Ulti went outside to fetch his girlfriend and buy some 2GB RAMs. Well, the RAMs are sorta of my present for my results, a bit late but it didn't matter. He's the kind of people that don't really know how to show affection to people so when he does something like this it feels kinda awkward.
It's just got to show some people that family love exists in all of us, even if you don't notice it, it's always there. It's just most people used the wrong methods to do so.
23 March 2009
Day 11 - Triple Netbook Trouble
Day 11 - 22nd March 2009
Today, my parents decided that if i can't bear the studying environment at Brickfields, i can study there for just one year and change another place. Well, i'll see how things go for A-Level at this period of time.
So about not getting a bag but getting a laptop for me, a netbook to be precise. Today, me and Boon Liang searched the net for the netbooks which are capable of long lasting battery life and affordable. Three netbooks were chosen at the end since all of them had similar specifications and reasonable prices. The three netbooks are Asus EEE PC 1000HE, Acer Aspire ONE AOD150 and HP mini 2140. Still undecided for today though but probably not gonna be being one this early, i guess i might wait for the PC fair this next month.
Man, i could honestly say owning my netbook is something that makes me nervous and excited even though i don't really mind how good or bad it is, all that i wanted to use it for is probably for studying and communicate with people using the internet if possible. This college life might not be so bad after all :)
Well staying at my hometown was getting kinda boring and i missed my studying life. There's one more thing is that most of my friends are not staying here much too; some went for national service; some started studying like me; and some are still working, well, only for the next few months i guess.
Yeah about working part time for students my age, maybe working has benefits for the student like getting your own money to spend things, get experience and know what hardship feels ..etc. Well that's all good, well the problem is parents don't teach much about saving money and why they let their children work. If you ask me IF i have to let my children work, i would certainly teach them that working at time ain't because we want you to use your own money to buy things you like, it's about teaching them to be wary of their parents as they do not have unlimited cash and time to support throughout your whole life. To put it simple, for me i would like my children to understand that parents care about lives of their children and will sacrifice themselves for it, even throwing away their dreams of luxury for the future of their children. Maybe students who do not have such parents may not understand parental love or unconsciously caring among family members, but think about it, if your parents are bad at showing full affection for you, would you do the same to your very own child that would be in the future?
I want people to know that the parents' actions towards their children are like a chain reaction - if you beat your own child when he was young, he will also do the very same thing to his own child, and his child will do the same thing to his grandchild which is endless until some one in your family tree breaks that chain. But what if you show affection to him? will his actions be different from you? I hope anyone reading this will realize that most people continue this vicious cycle passing from generations to generations and from this, you know that you have the power to end this cycle. For me I've been learning what my parents are doing right and doing wrong, and if my parents are doing something wrong, i will understand and avoid doing the same mistakes to my own children. Personally i won't let my child work his ass off at a young age unless of course it's nothing else but for the right reasons only.
Today, my parents decided that if i can't bear the studying environment at Brickfields, i can study there for just one year and change another place. Well, i'll see how things go for A-Level at this period of time.
So about not getting a bag but getting a laptop for me, a netbook to be precise. Today, me and Boon Liang searched the net for the netbooks which are capable of long lasting battery life and affordable. Three netbooks were chosen at the end since all of them had similar specifications and reasonable prices. The three netbooks are Asus EEE PC 1000HE, Acer Aspire ONE AOD150 and HP mini 2140. Still undecided for today though but probably not gonna be being one this early, i guess i might wait for the PC fair this next month.
Man, i could honestly say owning my netbook is something that makes me nervous and excited even though i don't really mind how good or bad it is, all that i wanted to use it for is probably for studying and communicate with people using the internet if possible. This college life might not be so bad after all :)
Well staying at my hometown was getting kinda boring and i missed my studying life. There's one more thing is that most of my friends are not staying here much too; some went for national service; some started studying like me; and some are still working, well, only for the next few months i guess.
Yeah about working part time for students my age, maybe working has benefits for the student like getting your own money to spend things, get experience and know what hardship feels ..etc. Well that's all good, well the problem is parents don't teach much about saving money and why they let their children work. If you ask me IF i have to let my children work, i would certainly teach them that working at time ain't because we want you to use your own money to buy things you like, it's about teaching them to be wary of their parents as they do not have unlimited cash and time to support throughout your whole life. To put it simple, for me i would like my children to understand that parents care about lives of their children and will sacrifice themselves for it, even throwing away their dreams of luxury for the future of their children. Maybe students who do not have such parents may not understand parental love or unconsciously caring among family members, but think about it, if your parents are bad at showing full affection for you, would you do the same to your very own child that would be in the future?
I want people to know that the parents' actions towards their children are like a chain reaction - if you beat your own child when he was young, he will also do the very same thing to his own child, and his child will do the same thing to his grandchild which is endless until some one in your family tree breaks that chain. But what if you show affection to him? will his actions be different from you? I hope anyone reading this will realize that most people continue this vicious cycle passing from generations to generations and from this, you know that you have the power to end this cycle. For me I've been learning what my parents are doing right and doing wrong, and if my parents are doing something wrong, i will understand and avoid doing the same mistakes to my own children. Personally i won't let my child work his ass off at a young age unless of course it's nothing else but for the right reasons only.
22 March 2009
Day 10 - Final decision
Day 10 - 21st March 2009
Hoho, today things got specially quick when deciding where I'm going to study at, remember when i said my parents went to see my Aunt and Uncle Tan? Well Uncle Tan recommended a college which specialized on the law courses and was cheaper than the two which i stated before, Taylor and Sunway College. This college is called Brickfield Asia College and it is located near the KL Sentral Station so a couple of minutes walking from the train station to there ain't that bad at all.
So, my parents, my bro, Boon Liang, and i went to search for the college cause we have no idea where exactly it was. We ended up asking for directions but right when we asked at a fuel station, the person points to a bank in front of us, yes the college was a shared building between Public Bank and Brickfield Asia College. Though there's no campus life if I'm going to study here, but it's one of the best place for studying the course i chosen. The fee wasn't expensive at all because the school can provide good financial aid since the college ain't big compared to others. So i swiftly decided to register for it and by the next week, My study starts today.
Because i don't have much time, my parents went to a nearby mall to buy me a bag but later thought that if i have to get laptop(it gives out a free bag if i bought one), there was no need to get a bag too. But wait, I'm didn't go back home yet at that time.
There was another i need to go first and that's my Uncle and Aunt Tan's home. We sorta need Uncle Tan's advice for my future because he learned law studies too. His advice to me sure gave me some preparation for what is coming for me the next few years.
Well finally back home, when i thought i could start writing down this, my parents argued about the environment in where I'm going to study at. All those bickerings made me stressful and i couldn't write so i went to sleep early that night. To be honest though, the place might be a bit harder for me travel to there and back home but i'm not gonna go forward if i am getting pushed back by little difficulties like this. So wish me luck i guess.
Hoho, today things got specially quick when deciding where I'm going to study at, remember when i said my parents went to see my Aunt and Uncle Tan? Well Uncle Tan recommended a college which specialized on the law courses and was cheaper than the two which i stated before, Taylor and Sunway College. This college is called Brickfield Asia College and it is located near the KL Sentral Station so a couple of minutes walking from the train station to there ain't that bad at all.
So, my parents, my bro, Boon Liang, and i went to search for the college cause we have no idea where exactly it was. We ended up asking for directions but right when we asked at a fuel station, the person points to a bank in front of us, yes the college was a shared building between Public Bank and Brickfield Asia College. Though there's no campus life if I'm going to study here, but it's one of the best place for studying the course i chosen. The fee wasn't expensive at all because the school can provide good financial aid since the college ain't big compared to others. So i swiftly decided to register for it and by the next week, My study starts today.
Because i don't have much time, my parents went to a nearby mall to buy me a bag but later thought that if i have to get laptop(it gives out a free bag if i bought one), there was no need to get a bag too. But wait, I'm didn't go back home yet at that time.
There was another i need to go first and that's my Uncle and Aunt Tan's home. We sorta need Uncle Tan's advice for my future because he learned law studies too. His advice to me sure gave me some preparation for what is coming for me the next few years.
Well finally back home, when i thought i could start writing down this, my parents argued about the environment in where I'm going to study at. All those bickerings made me stressful and i couldn't write so i went to sleep early that night. To be honest though, the place might be a bit harder for me travel to there and back home but i'm not gonna go forward if i am getting pushed back by little difficulties like this. So wish me luck i guess.
21 March 2009
Day 9 - Another run around the state
Day 9 - 20th March 2009
Sunway College VS Taylor College
Not long after when i got out of the bed, it's time to go hunting for colleges and universities. There were more vacancies for other places for me to study so my parents and i went to colleges near where my brother a.k.a Boon Liang is studying. Two colleges we went today was Taylor College and Sunway College, we went for counseling on the courses i can attend. Oh, we happen to go to the wrong Taylor College went we were searching the first time so we called Boon Liang to guide us to the right one, what a hassle.
Both were exceptionally nice but we went with Taylor College when compared between the two of them, plus one of my friends is going to same college as i am though not the same courses. We're still undecided on our final choice so i guess we had to wait for scholarship approval. It felt like i was waiting to become a lawyer although it's gonna be a couple of years before that happens.
When the Sun was setting down, my parents decided to go visit my aunt near the city, i didn't go cause i was staying with Boon Liang, though, he predicted that there's gonna be a really bad traffic later so we stayed at his rented apartment and watched the latest episode of 'Heroes' before packing Boon Liang's things and headed home.
Oh, and uh one more thing, i started to draw again, i tried to draw myself but ended drawing a random girl, still no yet finished though, probably gonna take hours to detail everything since i'm not good at drawing, so be sure to notice things start things pop in Light Production ^^.


Sunway College VS Taylor College
Not long after when i got out of the bed, it's time to go hunting for colleges and universities. There were more vacancies for other places for me to study so my parents and i went to colleges near where my brother a.k.a Boon Liang is studying. Two colleges we went today was Taylor College and Sunway College, we went for counseling on the courses i can attend. Oh, we happen to go to the wrong Taylor College went we were searching the first time so we called Boon Liang to guide us to the right one, what a hassle.
Both were exceptionally nice but we went with Taylor College when compared between the two of them, plus one of my friends is going to same college as i am though not the same courses. We're still undecided on our final choice so i guess we had to wait for scholarship approval. It felt like i was waiting to become a lawyer although it's gonna be a couple of years before that happens.
When the Sun was setting down, my parents decided to go visit my aunt near the city, i didn't go cause i was staying with Boon Liang, though, he predicted that there's gonna be a really bad traffic later so we stayed at his rented apartment and watched the latest episode of 'Heroes' before packing Boon Liang's things and headed home.
Oh, and uh one more thing, i started to draw again, i tried to draw myself but ended drawing a random girl, still no yet finished though, probably gonna take hours to detail everything since i'm not good at drawing, so be sure to notice things start things pop in Light Production ^^.
20 March 2009
Day 8 - Casual Sunshine
Day 8 - 19th March 2009
Hmm... I'm stumped, what exactly did i do today? It seems like today was really normal, like nothing out of the ordinary happened today, well i still seemed to think about the incident but other than that...
Ok... there probably was something about today but since i don't have much to say... i did get into a bit frustrated while playing games. Every once in a while, i get really annoyed when i can't beat a certain game smoothly and things don't go the way i want, i tend to burst my bubbles when people are trying to ask about something.
So today i played a classic game 'New Super Mario Bros. DS' on my computer, the game's easier than previous versions but that didn't stop me from dying again and again. So as i was playing, my mom wanted to play games too on the other computer at my home. Though it may seem people at her age playing games are weird but for my mother to want to play games, it means she is really really bored. Nothing major happened just that i didn't help my mom to start the game so Max sorta helped but later i gave a big sigh and help my mom in the end anyways.
Hmm... I'm stumped, what exactly did i do today? It seems like today was really normal, like nothing out of the ordinary happened today, well i still seemed to think about the incident but other than that...
Ok... there probably was something about today but since i don't have much to say... i did get into a bit frustrated while playing games. Every once in a while, i get really annoyed when i can't beat a certain game smoothly and things don't go the way i want, i tend to burst my bubbles when people are trying to ask about something.
So today i played a classic game 'New Super Mario Bros. DS' on my computer, the game's easier than previous versions but that didn't stop me from dying again and again. So as i was playing, my mom wanted to play games too on the other computer at my home. Though it may seem people at her age playing games are weird but for my mother to want to play games, it means she is really really bored. Nothing major happened just that i didn't help my mom to start the game so Max sorta helped but later i gave a big sigh and help my mom in the end anyways.
19 March 2009
Day 7 - Powering Up The Light
Day 7 - 18 March 2009
Woke up feeling pretty beat up, didn't have much of good night sleep. Even in my dreams, i could remember i had no mood in whatever was happening around me, then probably thought to myself
' Man, screw dreaming, I'm waking up.'
Well when i woke up, it was already afternoon, i know that my friends probably were the same situation more or less. I text message them concerning that i am sorry about what trouble i had caused, not that i wanted forgiveness but i think it was right to do so. Stayed home to write applications of scholarships; did not have the mood to practice dancing at all so i spent the afternoon staring outside my house and thinking about it. At that time i wished i really could forget, every time i was busy with stuff i always end up thinking about it again.
That night, i went out with my parents for the night market near town. It has been for some time i walked around there. No familiar faces were seen but loads of people there were mostly high school kids, seems like my time had moved again, it felt like those kids had replaced me cause there was a time, loads of people i've seen before would hang around there. Well it doesn't matter now i guess. Oh, one more thing, there was also these two physically impaired people singing, they sang quite well so i gave a couple of dollars to them and that's all for now folks!
But seriously, going out like that probably ease off my worries a lot. Meh, i'll just think of it as life lesson i guess. I mean, no point on worrying what that has passed i guess. Since i'm ok now, i probably update something new in my other blog 'Light Comic Stand', well whenever that is, hah.
Woke up feeling pretty beat up, didn't have much of good night sleep. Even in my dreams, i could remember i had no mood in whatever was happening around me, then probably thought to myself
' Man, screw dreaming, I'm waking up.'
Well when i woke up, it was already afternoon, i know that my friends probably were the same situation more or less. I text message them concerning that i am sorry about what trouble i had caused, not that i wanted forgiveness but i think it was right to do so. Stayed home to write applications of scholarships; did not have the mood to practice dancing at all so i spent the afternoon staring outside my house and thinking about it. At that time i wished i really could forget, every time i was busy with stuff i always end up thinking about it again.
That night, i went out with my parents for the night market near town. It has been for some time i walked around there. No familiar faces were seen but loads of people there were mostly high school kids, seems like my time had moved again, it felt like those kids had replaced me cause there was a time, loads of people i've seen before would hang around there. Well it doesn't matter now i guess. Oh, one more thing, there was also these two physically impaired people singing, they sang quite well so i gave a couple of dollars to them and that's all for now folks!
But seriously, going out like that probably ease off my worries a lot. Meh, i'll just think of it as life lesson i guess. I mean, no point on worrying what that has passed i guess. Since i'm ok now, i probably update something new in my other blog 'Light Comic Stand', well whenever that is, hah.
18 March 2009
Day 6 - Dim Light
I could only write the next day.. well cause i was thinking a lot about what 'i have done' last night.
Day 6 - OBD(One Bad Day)
Today was not one of my good days, in fact it's one of my worse days, probably in my top 5.
This afternoon, things seems to be looking fine, i had my practices, looking into universities and photshopped a few pics. It was a normal afternoon until one of my friend called me to celebrate the going of my friends who are taking national services which starts the next few days.
It was.. a really fine day, i went outside around my house to see the clouds, they had nice patterns and colors, i thought to myself this could be a nice day, well irony smacked me in the face.
Before that there's a little thing that happened, Max came back and started talking an eerie event that happened yesterday when he was accompanying his girlfriend's family to buy a house. That talked made chills down my spine before i was going out. So maybe i already had feeling after that, i won't go onto the details but i had an accident when i going home late at night, nothing serious but i.. ran from it without a second thought.. i was panicking.. i didn't think straight at the time; after a while i thought to myself i shouldn't have ran away, i should have faced my mistake and accepted the damn consequences but.. i was scared, i was.. nothing but a coward when it comes to things like this.
My heart was filled with guilt and shame even after going home because i was giving my friends a ride home and they saw it too. My mom forgave me and tell me to not worry about it but still, i couldn't just stop thinking about it, it was too hard for me. I couldn't sleep so i watch animes with my brother until very late at night.
Not gonna write about this day anymore cause there's nothing good about, so, until next time.
Day 6 - OBD(One Bad Day)
Today was not one of my good days, in fact it's one of my worse days, probably in my top 5.
This afternoon, things seems to be looking fine, i had my practices, looking into universities and photshopped a few pics. It was a normal afternoon until one of my friend called me to celebrate the going of my friends who are taking national services which starts the next few days.
It was.. a really fine day, i went outside around my house to see the clouds, they had nice patterns and colors, i thought to myself this could be a nice day, well irony smacked me in the face.
Before that there's a little thing that happened, Max came back and started talking an eerie event that happened yesterday when he was accompanying his girlfriend's family to buy a house. That talked made chills down my spine before i was going out. So maybe i already had feeling after that, i won't go onto the details but i had an accident when i going home late at night, nothing serious but i.. ran from it without a second thought.. i was panicking.. i didn't think straight at the time; after a while i thought to myself i shouldn't have ran away, i should have faced my mistake and accepted the damn consequences but.. i was scared, i was.. nothing but a coward when it comes to things like this.
My heart was filled with guilt and shame even after going home because i was giving my friends a ride home and they saw it too. My mom forgave me and tell me to not worry about it but still, i couldn't just stop thinking about it, it was too hard for me. I couldn't sleep so i watch animes with my brother until very late at night.
Not gonna write about this day anymore cause there's nothing good about, so, until next time.
17 March 2009
Day 5 - Doctor VS Lawyer
Day 5 - 16th March 2009
Seems like today was going to be another 'drive my parents out of town' again, though this time, i get to drive to the heart of the city, Kuala Lumpur. It's my first though, so i get to drive only TO the place my dad's going of course. Most of the time it was going smoothly one except for one accident(avoided) that i made my heart pump twice as fast as usual.
Well other than escaping from certain 'damage payment', we reached to the place where my dad is going to go for a interview. Oh, i haven't explain why my dad is jobless? That's simple, he retired from a government company because our country has an age limiting law to work at government companies. So after sometime, dad got bored and started interviewing for jobs.
Back to this present day, my dad went for his 4th or 5th time interview for this certain private company, dunno about the details but the previous interviews were just negotiating and explaining the job. At that time, me and my mom waited in the car so i happen to get the information from her.There was no parking spaces so we temporarily park at a private entrance of a building.
Brought me 'E to J Dictionary' and waited for the guard to kick my ass.
Seems like today was going to be another 'drive my parents out of town' again, though this time, i get to drive to the heart of the city, Kuala Lumpur. It's my first though, so i get to drive only TO the place my dad's going of course. Most of the time it was going smoothly one except for one accident(avoided) that i made my heart pump twice as fast as usual.
Well other than escaping from certain 'damage payment', we reached to the place where my dad is going to go for a interview. Oh, i haven't explain why my dad is jobless? That's simple, he retired from a government company because our country has an age limiting law to work at government companies. So after sometime, dad got bored and started interviewing for jobs.
Back to this present day, my dad went for his 4th or 5th time interview for this certain private company, dunno about the details but the previous interviews were just negotiating and explaining the job. At that time, me and my mom waited in the car so i happen to get the information from her.There was no parking spaces so we temporarily park at a private entrance of a building.
A guard did come out of the gates, so we went for another spot first before anything happens. So.. about that book.. yeah i sorta learning japanese from all sorts of things, and one of them this dictionary which i bring whenever i know i have some time to read it. I just thought it be cool to speak another language, i don't know, it might be handy if i bumped into a japanese.
We wait and of course we also talked.. about what i'll be studying, seems like i might become an attorney after all since my parents don't like me going to Russia to study medical courses all alone for 6 years.. i guess. Studying at my own country won't be bad too, i get to go back home conveniently or vice versa. Too bad cause if i am going to Russia, i might have some Russian friends and speak their language too. More good news though is that i can still go study in medical courses even after i graduated from law school, i guess it's a double win for me.
About after an hour, the interview ended and dad says there's a high possibility that he's gonna get the job. The pay ain't bad and most of the time he works in the office. Nothing much else happened i guess, watched a few South Park episodes, played some solitaire and photoshopped a few things. And now i'm tired and going go to sleep, chow.
We wait and of course we also talked.. about what i'll be studying, seems like i might become an attorney after all since my parents don't like me going to Russia to study medical courses all alone for 6 years.. i guess. Studying at my own country won't be bad too, i get to go back home conveniently or vice versa. Too bad cause if i am going to Russia, i might have some Russian friends and speak their language too. More good news though is that i can still go study in medical courses even after i graduated from law school, i guess it's a double win for me.
About after an hour, the interview ended and dad says there's a high possibility that he's gonna get the job. The pay ain't bad and most of the time he works in the office. Nothing much else happened i guess, watched a few South Park episodes, played some solitaire and photoshopped a few things. And now i'm tired and going go to sleep, chow.
16 March 2009
Day 4 - The solo dancer
Day 4 - 15th March 2009
Sunday, finally a day i could just relax at my home and do the things i usually do with my spare time; no going out for me today i guess. These limited precious days are always hard to get and even harder to enjoy them nowadays and will probably be harderst after starting my studies again telling how much time i still have until that ..but sooner or later.. i have to open my eyes to reality for the near future.
I had my usual dance practices in the evening, FYI i practice street dances, i don't go for courses cause i prefer freestyling so i teach myself through the internet. My family like my dancing but except for myself, none of my brothers are interested in it. It makes me disappointed that all of them were not reluctant to even do simple basic steps with me. I tried to convince them that dancing does not require any talent, it's just takes some practice and a sense rhythm to the music, nope, they just ignore what i say and think it's embarassing to dance. God i hate that word, 'embarassing', i don't know how many times i have heard that from them, i can rant about this all day but that probably won't change a single thing, i guess they are just not dancers in their hearts. Though deep down, i still want to believe i could change them, so everytime i practice, i might argue about that as long as they don't give up and have some damn confidence, anyone can dance.
I guess when it all comes to having an interest, i just want to share it with people, at least they should give it a chance before saying no, it can be hurtful. Friends? you can say they like to dance but at the same time they don't. From what i can say is that self-practicing is weird for my friends cause i always get that ' So, you practice with yourself, huh?' was probably all they could say rather then directly saying 'That's gay and retarded, dude.'. Well thats what they gave that feeling when i told them about it even though some of them dance themselves but never practice again.
One thing i haven't mention though is that today i kind of wanted one of my friends to call me for a chat, i guess just missing one day of going out can make you think of something like that. Well not that i want to.. ..but an itching feeling to go though.
That's pretty much about today excluding the usual stuffs like playing, eating, writing this story. But i notice that, every day is a hoping day ; you hope of having a nice weather tomorrow, a nice hang out, a nice chat or to sum it up - a nice day.
*Past Alert*( For those who want to know why i got into dancing)
There was probably a time where a group of my friends practice break dancing during our high school times, whether or not they were serious about it but i for one, sure got into street dancing(wasn't interested in breaking though) since that time. Then i found out they were just doing it cause they had to perform in a school event at some time, so after that, not seeing much practices from them anymore. I too sorta of stopped but the 'fire' inside me was still burning and telling me to follow my heart every time 'it smokes my ass' about it, heh.
So, not long from the present ..umm probably 5 months ago i started to practice dancing despite the fact that no one wanted to join me but i went through it, progress seems to be slow but improving each day no doubt. It's just to show myself that, without anyone supporting you, you can still look up and say 'Screw you, real life.' . And now here i am, still fighting for my dreams.
15 March 2009
Day 3 - My path, my future and my friend's birthday?
Day 3 - 14th March 2009
Still at my 'holiday hang out', tried to write about yesterday but couldn't get up even though i overslept, dunno why. Only got up when i heard footsteps of my parents walking around. Before i woke up, Max had already went out to play badmintion with his colleagues so too does he brought Connie with him, Two things were to be done on that day, one - Boon Liang had to go for a meeting at some hotel, he was going to fetch a friend to go too; two - My parents decided to bring me to a educational fair in a mall that just started on this day.
At that time we had only one car with us so we decided that we drop off my brother and his friend at the hotel first then used the car to go to the mall, well, at least the hotel was kind of near it, so not much problem there but before that we had to fetch my bro's friend at another apartment. My father got a bit fed up about it because he was driving; he went used a detour to get there. I'm not sure if my dad purposely teased my brother to make him late or it was just a mistake( probably the latter ) but one thing is certain that my father was not fully accepting my brother being an Amway member.
Well if you want to know why then continue reading the next paragraph, if not, skip it.
Ok, from what i know, dad never really like my brother paying fees to go to these weekly meetings, it's cause they cost fair amount of money every month; the meetings not free but it promises a fully prepared trip to Las Vegas or choose to not go for the trip but recieve the money that was going to be used for the trip which is roughly about 13,500 US dollars, well, only if you continue to go to these meetings. Another reason is that my father thinks it's affecting my brother's concentration on his main studies which was very important ..and costly of course. My brother, refused to stop going when told and dad thinks that the company had brainwashed him since he had never been that stubborn. Yes, the meetings do teach you how to do marketing of products and to have more self-confidence and chase your dreams/goals etc.. but, weren't there famous books concerning self-realising, obtaining meaningful life, achievements that teaches of the sorts? Thats what my brother responded to my father, but of course dad was being stubborn and kinda ignorant, huh, i guess stubborness runs in the family. The battle still continues to this day and i have no power of changing that, i probably could only see what will happen i guess.
My bro and his friend probably were 30 minutes late for the meeting i guess, afterwards we went to the educational fair, had a bit of problem finding the parking zones and loads of traffic jams, well, probably the fair's fault :3. Loads of people walking abruntly, hurrying by like ants, this is the kind of place i always want to avoid at all cost if i were to go out shopping with friends, i guarantee that you won't have a moment of peace. So we didn't wander off and went straight for the fair.
The education fair was.. well.. 'fairly' in size; The place was only about a big hall sized filled with 'stalls' i guess. Come to think of it, most of the people in the mall were about my age i guess, the fair had some cute girls but my attention was really drawn to which place i should go for furthering my study, i was going for medical course or law studies; the first was self-motivated to be a doctor; the latter was because of.. 'Ace Attorney'.. yes, a DS game motivated me to be a lawyer.. Ahem, laughters aside i found out if i were to study law i would need to also study accounting, economics.. things that i didn't picked in my high school as i was a science student. And of course getting a scholarship was kinda hard too since my results weren't really excellent, so we sorta just pass through around and went out of the fair.
We were suppose to fetch my bro from the hotel but he was still having the meeting so we walk a bit around the mall but went to sit on a bench for more than an hour. Sitting there and watching the people made me think about my friends and what i like about having a friend or a girlfriend. Most of the friends i made didn't have much in common with me i guess, most of the time my friends just joke about something or tease a certain person when we hang out. But there's a problem, they really, only just do that. Then after having telling about this to my mother, i found out that i wasn't really much of a teen; i was much more mature when having conversations but hated the fact that my friends weren't mature enough to do so. Which probably made a bit more proud of myself or sad cause it made me feel like i had skipped an age. Then i thought about my taste in girls were because of myself being mature too, i couldn't stand girls being bitchy, wearing inappropriate clothes just the same as wearing things just conver the 'main' parts ...etc. Probably because it gives the impression of being too open hearted, ain't really the word i'm looking for.. but it feels like they can have a relationship with anyone but not be serious about it and that feels.. improper for me i guess.
My father decided to had another go at the fair to find a medical course, something caught our eye and that was a university in Russia for the course and it was quite affordable. Though the problem is, i have only two weeks to decide whether or not to apply for it. Then, well, then my bro called and we went to fetch him..
Phew... so, went back to our home, just when i get the chance to write; my friend, Jay Ar(His nick is actually just Jr), called to tell me one of my other friend had a birthday celebration at a Mc Donald's.
'I'll think about it," Was what i replied to him
You know, at first, without a second there, i didn't want to go until Boon Liang encourage me to go just for the heck of it. So i gave out some sighs and drove the place, to my amaze the 'usual' people( which i dont like conversing with) weren't there except for one though but it didn't matter. Well because those weren't there, to be able to talk normally was a bit easier even though most of them were girls, for the first time i get talk something more than just about sex jokes and meaningless conversations to be exact. Sadly it only lasted for a while but one other thing that was a first for me is driving a girl to her home, ok stop speculating anything readers, i didn't panic or anything plus, she has a boyfriend(from what i heard sometime ago), nothing happened except for a few minutes of awkward moment but still a first for me.
Nevertheless, you could say it was an uncommon day of my life, writing my life probably made me realize it probably wasn't as boring as i would have thought. Maybe my life is always beginning anew every day that had passed. Be it bad or good.
This travelling light could just be like a candle's light,
It sometimes burns stronger,
It sometimes burns weaker,
But it never ceases to change until the very end of it.
Still at my 'holiday hang out', tried to write about yesterday but couldn't get up even though i overslept, dunno why. Only got up when i heard footsteps of my parents walking around. Before i woke up, Max had already went out to play badmintion with his colleagues so too does he brought Connie with him, Two things were to be done on that day, one - Boon Liang had to go for a meeting at some hotel, he was going to fetch a friend to go too; two - My parents decided to bring me to a educational fair in a mall that just started on this day.
At that time we had only one car with us so we decided that we drop off my brother and his friend at the hotel first then used the car to go to the mall, well, at least the hotel was kind of near it, so not much problem there but before that we had to fetch my bro's friend at another apartment. My father got a bit fed up about it because he was driving; he went used a detour to get there. I'm not sure if my dad purposely teased my brother to make him late or it was just a mistake( probably the latter ) but one thing is certain that my father was not fully accepting my brother being an Amway member.
Well if you want to know why then continue reading the next paragraph, if not, skip it.
Ok, from what i know, dad never really like my brother paying fees to go to these weekly meetings, it's cause they cost fair amount of money every month; the meetings not free but it promises a fully prepared trip to Las Vegas or choose to not go for the trip but recieve the money that was going to be used for the trip which is roughly about 13,500 US dollars, well, only if you continue to go to these meetings. Another reason is that my father thinks it's affecting my brother's concentration on his main studies which was very important ..and costly of course. My brother, refused to stop going when told and dad thinks that the company had brainwashed him since he had never been that stubborn. Yes, the meetings do teach you how to do marketing of products and to have more self-confidence and chase your dreams/goals etc.. but, weren't there famous books concerning self-realising, obtaining meaningful life, achievements that teaches of the sorts? Thats what my brother responded to my father, but of course dad was being stubborn and kinda ignorant, huh, i guess stubborness runs in the family. The battle still continues to this day and i have no power of changing that, i probably could only see what will happen i guess.
My bro and his friend probably were 30 minutes late for the meeting i guess, afterwards we went to the educational fair, had a bit of problem finding the parking zones and loads of traffic jams, well, probably the fair's fault :3. Loads of people walking abruntly, hurrying by like ants, this is the kind of place i always want to avoid at all cost if i were to go out shopping with friends, i guarantee that you won't have a moment of peace. So we didn't wander off and went straight for the fair.
The education fair was.. well.. 'fairly' in size; The place was only about a big hall sized filled with 'stalls' i guess. Come to think of it, most of the people in the mall were about my age i guess, the fair had some cute girls but my attention was really drawn to which place i should go for furthering my study, i was going for medical course or law studies; the first was self-motivated to be a doctor; the latter was because of.. 'Ace Attorney'.. yes, a DS game motivated me to be a lawyer.. Ahem, laughters aside i found out if i were to study law i would need to also study accounting, economics.. things that i didn't picked in my high school as i was a science student. And of course getting a scholarship was kinda hard too since my results weren't really excellent, so we sorta just pass through around and went out of the fair.
We were suppose to fetch my bro from the hotel but he was still having the meeting so we walk a bit around the mall but went to sit on a bench for more than an hour. Sitting there and watching the people made me think about my friends and what i like about having a friend or a girlfriend. Most of the friends i made didn't have much in common with me i guess, most of the time my friends just joke about something or tease a certain person when we hang out. But there's a problem, they really, only just do that. Then after having telling about this to my mother, i found out that i wasn't really much of a teen; i was much more mature when having conversations but hated the fact that my friends weren't mature enough to do so. Which probably made a bit more proud of myself or sad cause it made me feel like i had skipped an age. Then i thought about my taste in girls were because of myself being mature too, i couldn't stand girls being bitchy, wearing inappropriate clothes just the same as wearing things just conver the 'main' parts ...etc. Probably because it gives the impression of being too open hearted, ain't really the word i'm looking for.. but it feels like they can have a relationship with anyone but not be serious about it and that feels.. improper for me i guess.
My father decided to had another go at the fair to find a medical course, something caught our eye and that was a university in Russia for the course and it was quite affordable. Though the problem is, i have only two weeks to decide whether or not to apply for it. Then, well, then my bro called and we went to fetch him..
Phew... so, went back to our home, just when i get the chance to write; my friend, Jay Ar(His nick is actually just Jr), called to tell me one of my other friend had a birthday celebration at a Mc Donald's.
'I'll think about it," Was what i replied to him
You know, at first, without a second there, i didn't want to go until Boon Liang encourage me to go just for the heck of it. So i gave out some sighs and drove the place, to my amaze the 'usual' people( which i dont like conversing with) weren't there except for one though but it didn't matter. Well because those weren't there, to be able to talk normally was a bit easier even though most of them were girls, for the first time i get talk something more than just about sex jokes and meaningless conversations to be exact. Sadly it only lasted for a while but one other thing that was a first for me is driving a girl to her home, ok stop speculating anything readers, i didn't panic or anything plus, she has a boyfriend(from what i heard sometime ago), nothing happened except for a few minutes of awkward moment but still a first for me.
Nevertheless, you could say it was an uncommon day of my life, writing my life probably made me realize it probably wasn't as boring as i would have thought. Maybe my life is always beginning anew every day that had passed. Be it bad or good.
This travelling light could just be like a candle's light,
It sometimes burns stronger,
It sometimes burns weaker,
But it never ceases to change until the very end of it.
14 March 2009
Day 2 - Celebrating The A's
Day 2 - 13th March 2009
Nothing much.. for this day.. well.. except for having dinner with my family i guess.. we were going to our other 'home' at a nearby town which was not far away from my first one, Actually it's an apartment that my parents bought which act as a 'hang out' whenever we had something to celebrate or was just really bored at home(first).
We stayed there for one night but before that we went to a friend of my third elder brother, Boon Liang who was a full-time Amway member and nutritionist, Jeffrey the reason was that he was really good at telling a person's health by just looking at a person's body like the hands, face, skin condition and probably a lot more. I'll spare the details but what surprised me was when he discovered my mother's kidney problem was connected to every other illness and health problems that she has at present or from her past. I were surprised that he told us some illness could be prevented but were too late to notice, the dude then tell us some ways to make her health stable again like taking proper nutrition and avoid taking anymore medicine cause usually medicines will only prevent one particular illness from getting worse but makes the whole person's health more worse.
It would take 3 months of time for my mom to recover but i guess it can be done ..or not.
Though the process will certainly help my mom, no questioning that but.. it was costly and my mom probably don't have the patience to do so cause it requires her to stop eating her favourite flavour, spicy. Well anyways, i guess time will tell me. Hope she get's well.
After that we had our planned dinner after Max(second older bro) had only came.. with his girlfriend, Connie. Not that i had any problem or anything worth mentioning about.. meh.. when i think about it, probably just my imagination. So i had the liberty of choosing what place to go; picked the one that all of us could enjoy eating, it was REALLY.. appetizing though the workers waited for us as they were suppose to close up but we ate like about an hour , heh.
Nothing much that had happened the day ..but i guess it was one of those days i find quite normal and satisfying except from the fact i slept right after i ate, gonna be bad for my health haha.
Nothing much.. for this day.. well.. except for having dinner with my family i guess.. we were going to our other 'home' at a nearby town which was not far away from my first one, Actually it's an apartment that my parents bought which act as a 'hang out' whenever we had something to celebrate or was just really bored at home(first).
We stayed there for one night but before that we went to a friend of my third elder brother, Boon Liang who was a full-time Amway member and nutritionist, Jeffrey the reason was that he was really good at telling a person's health by just looking at a person's body like the hands, face, skin condition and probably a lot more. I'll spare the details but what surprised me was when he discovered my mother's kidney problem was connected to every other illness and health problems that she has at present or from her past. I were surprised that he told us some illness could be prevented but were too late to notice, the dude then tell us some ways to make her health stable again like taking proper nutrition and avoid taking anymore medicine cause usually medicines will only prevent one particular illness from getting worse but makes the whole person's health more worse.
It would take 3 months of time for my mom to recover but i guess it can be done ..or not.
Though the process will certainly help my mom, no questioning that but.. it was costly and my mom probably don't have the patience to do so cause it requires her to stop eating her favourite flavour, spicy. Well anyways, i guess time will tell me. Hope she get's well.
After that we had our planned dinner after Max(second older bro) had only came.. with his girlfriend, Connie. Not that i had any problem or anything worth mentioning about.. meh.. when i think about it, probably just my imagination. So i had the liberty of choosing what place to go; picked the one that all of us could enjoy eating, it was REALLY.. appetizing though the workers waited for us as they were suppose to close up but we ate like about an hour , heh.
Nothing much that had happened the day ..but i guess it was one of those days i find quite normal and satisfying except from the fact i slept right after i ate, gonna be bad for my health haha.
13 March 2009
Prologue - It only glows for now
Hai, the name's Hui Leong but call me by my nickname, Jake. So to start out, I'm 17 years old as of today until my birthday this year. Still a teen but i don't feel like one, though i would explain it to you but not now because i want to see if going through my days will eventually explain itself to you readers.
I'll probably post on my everyday life, meaning i wont miss a single day of my life starting from today but i won't be updating everyday as reasons like busy with travelling or school and whatnot.
The reason i began to do this is because of a certain web comic gave spark to me to record all what i have done in my life which is called 'Allan', though for certain, i wont get into every single detail about my everyday life but i will summarize what happened on that certain day.
So i would like to start at the day i created this story about me - Travelling Light as in my name has the meaning of the word 'light' and thus 'the travelling of my life'.
Day 1 - 12th March 2009
Today was a special day, the results from my important examination had finally came but i was unable to get it at school due to late open of it that is around the afternoon and i had to go with my parents to a private hospital at Subang because my mom had this kidney stone removed years ago but residue of it still remain after it was destroyed so we went there to get a check up for the third time for that week as the damn hospital had issues with proper management of appointments. Though i complain, the doctor who checked up on my mom gave the good news that it's not really serious but he told us to meet up with him again after 3 months have passed.
Well when back to our hometown around 2-3 pm in the afternoon and boy was i nervous, i was going to get my results on the way to my home, i was surprise to be nervous as just yesterday, i was so calm, i thought i didn't even care. Hah! was i surprise to see my results, it was really better than what i was expected the past 3 months, i always thought to myself 'Meh, probably goin to be mediocre i guess'.
Though before i went to the school hall(that's where the results are kept) i saw 3 of my friends coming out of there, Simon, Vincent and Tz( he doesn't have a nick so...). Simon and Tz was talkin about somethin and they at the front in their group of three. Vincent was almost some small distance behind of them, to be honest he doesn't seem to be in the conversation between the the two, he was.. quiet. Although it was brief, i exchange greetings with them but they just joke around as they usually have and left the school area, leaving me confused. Well.. until i saw my results.
After that my parents were proud and imformed my older brothers, all three of them to be exact. My second older brother, Max, though called me first when i was about to give him the good news, he was like all out crazy about my results, i felt he was kinda acted like a father that got his first newborn or something, maybe i'm just over-complicating things..
I also gave thanks through messages to my teachers from the tuition centre i once went last year, though they didn't reply, it didn't matter because i just have to thank them for all what they have done. It had me thinking about visiting them sometime as i sorta have missed them hahah.
I almost used up all the day time just thinking about my future but at the same time i started feeling i had accomplished the last goal of my life, like there was really nothing for to do now, i know i still have college, university, hobbies, or even jobs that i still have to go through but i really felt empty. I was just sitting there waiting in front of my computer; waiting to go out with my friends to celebrate our results, yes, i felt really frustrated for wasting my time playing Solitaire, heh.
Around 7 pm in the evening, i was fed up waiting for them to go hang out so i message Simon have he went to celebrate, he was still out with the others since he went to get the results, in his response from text, he told me go to the mobile phone shop first where a not-so close friend of mine worked at, as they were hanging out after getting the results, in my mind i thought 'Hmm maybe they are waiting for me to fetch them?' was what i was thinking in my mind and assume they are going to celebrate at some place so they needed me to give them a ride since... well you know *cough*no car*cough*, ok i know, it ain't their fault for depending on others.
I went there around 8 pm in th evening, HOPING that we were going to go eat out or something but noooo, they were rewatching 'dragonball' series.We had a brief talk about our results and felt bad during that conversation but i'll tell you about that later.
So and I was like 'Ok, are we going now ..or?'
'Umm... no, we have to wait until the shop closes at around 9 pm.' Simon replied.
That sort of ticked me off cause i seriously drove there for the sake of giving them a ride, nothing else and then no sorry or anything from them they just continue joking around and some more 'dragon's balls'. Heh.. guess i was kinda naive and stupid huh?So i tell them i had to fetch dad from the badminton court later so i would be going to celebrate with them anyways. Well, obviously it was an excuse to ditch them rather than go waiting with them but it's still true about fetching my dad cause i thought i was going out so i needed a car but you know i have only 1 car that i can use at the time ..blah ..blah ..blah
By now you're probably thinking '9 pm?? you'll just wait for one more hour, you impatient douche.'
I may sometime be impatient but not this time cause to be frank, i am a person that don't like small and meaningless talks like 'yo, did you went gay with that XXX?' or 'dude, why were you still awake that night, you fappin or something ..blah ..blah ..blah' something similar along the lines.
Ok i have to vent some anger out of mind so below are rants, YOU WERE WARNED.
Well its not bad using them to start a conversation with friends but COME ON, do we really have to talk about masturbation and homosexual activities between friends all the damn time? Also i have to add that conversation like this are only what my friends usually talk about almost everytime we hang out, and everytime i try to pick a bit more serious topic to talk about, they just friggin ignored me.. sigh although at least sometime they talk about girls or dating girls but still it went stale after several conversations about it.
OK... as to why i hate small talks, long story short - I'm a bit more serious about having 'actual' conversations.
After going back to home, i was begining to think i should not go out with them, the reason is as i mentioned before about the conversation concerning of our results. The conversation were simple, we compared results and well i sorta think its wrong and bad for some people that has 'weaker' results, though i should be celebrating with them but i thought about my friends that didn't get to celebrate for obvious reasons.I thought about Jack, a friend of mine whose grades in school usually aren't good at all and he probably won't be celebrating proudly on the he gets his results too. There was also Vincent, he hasn't hang out with me and the others for a long time since he was busy with his part time job and i thought to myself again 'If he went, i probably will too.' That is until i message him about going to hang out.
'Results bad, no mood, not going.' He replied.
That's when something snap in my mind, it was not a day to go celebrate oneself of his success but to bear together the pain of others for their loss in life. I suddenly felt really bad for even asking him to go hang out, it must have really hurt him i guess. So i comfirm to myself that i'm not going to celebrate on that day with the others and message Vincent about not going. Although he didn't reply me, i felt that i just have to tell him that.
Simon wasn't happy about not going cause he didn't have tranport to go back to his home, but i said no anyways as i felt that he had become too dependant on me since i fetch him everytime when a bunch of us were going to eat out.
So this leads me to being at home writing about this day, is it me or something else but i feel the content has a gay feeling to it... probably because i had writing this shit for 3 hours straight and i'm reallllyyy tired, ok i really gonna write something rather 'straight' for a change tomorrow.
To be honest, this is the first time i written something this friggin long for a while, guess i like typing shit, heh. Time for me to hit the hay, more will be added the next midnight(uncomfirmed).
I'll probably post on my everyday life, meaning i wont miss a single day of my life starting from today but i won't be updating everyday as reasons like busy with travelling or school and whatnot.
The reason i began to do this is because of a certain web comic gave spark to me to record all what i have done in my life which is called 'Allan', though for certain, i wont get into every single detail about my everyday life but i will summarize what happened on that certain day.
So i would like to start at the day i created this story about me - Travelling Light as in my name has the meaning of the word 'light' and thus 'the travelling of my life'.
Day 1 - 12th March 2009
Today was a special day, the results from my important examination had finally came but i was unable to get it at school due to late open of it that is around the afternoon and i had to go with my parents to a private hospital at Subang because my mom had this kidney stone removed years ago but residue of it still remain after it was destroyed so we went there to get a check up for the third time for that week as the damn hospital had issues with proper management of appointments. Though i complain, the doctor who checked up on my mom gave the good news that it's not really serious but he told us to meet up with him again after 3 months have passed.
Well when back to our hometown around 2-3 pm in the afternoon and boy was i nervous, i was going to get my results on the way to my home, i was surprise to be nervous as just yesterday, i was so calm, i thought i didn't even care. Hah! was i surprise to see my results, it was really better than what i was expected the past 3 months, i always thought to myself 'Meh, probably goin to be mediocre i guess'.
Though before i went to the school hall(that's where the results are kept) i saw 3 of my friends coming out of there, Simon, Vincent and Tz( he doesn't have a nick so...). Simon and Tz was talkin about somethin and they at the front in their group of three. Vincent was almost some small distance behind of them, to be honest he doesn't seem to be in the conversation between the the two, he was.. quiet. Although it was brief, i exchange greetings with them but they just joke around as they usually have and left the school area, leaving me confused. Well.. until i saw my results.
After that my parents were proud and imformed my older brothers, all three of them to be exact. My second older brother, Max, though called me first when i was about to give him the good news, he was like all out crazy about my results, i felt he was kinda acted like a father that got his first newborn or something, maybe i'm just over-complicating things..
I also gave thanks through messages to my teachers from the tuition centre i once went last year, though they didn't reply, it didn't matter because i just have to thank them for all what they have done. It had me thinking about visiting them sometime as i sorta have missed them hahah.
I almost used up all the day time just thinking about my future but at the same time i started feeling i had accomplished the last goal of my life, like there was really nothing for to do now, i know i still have college, university, hobbies, or even jobs that i still have to go through but i really felt empty. I was just sitting there waiting in front of my computer; waiting to go out with my friends to celebrate our results, yes, i felt really frustrated for wasting my time playing Solitaire, heh.
Around 7 pm in the evening, i was fed up waiting for them to go hang out so i message Simon have he went to celebrate, he was still out with the others since he went to get the results, in his response from text, he told me go to the mobile phone shop first where a not-so close friend of mine worked at, as they were hanging out after getting the results, in my mind i thought 'Hmm maybe they are waiting for me to fetch them?' was what i was thinking in my mind and assume they are going to celebrate at some place so they needed me to give them a ride since... well you know *cough*no car*cough*, ok i know, it ain't their fault for depending on others.
I went there around 8 pm in th evening, HOPING that we were going to go eat out or something but noooo, they were rewatching 'dragonball' series.We had a brief talk about our results and felt bad during that conversation but i'll tell you about that later.
So and I was like 'Ok, are we going now ..or?'
'Umm... no, we have to wait until the shop closes at around 9 pm.' Simon replied.
That sort of ticked me off cause i seriously drove there for the sake of giving them a ride, nothing else and then no sorry or anything from them they just continue joking around and some more 'dragon's balls'. Heh.. guess i was kinda naive and stupid huh?So i tell them i had to fetch dad from the badminton court later so i would be going to celebrate with them anyways. Well, obviously it was an excuse to ditch them rather than go waiting with them but it's still true about fetching my dad cause i thought i was going out so i needed a car but you know i have only 1 car that i can use at the time ..blah ..blah ..blah
By now you're probably thinking '9 pm?? you'll just wait for one more hour, you impatient douche.'
I may sometime be impatient but not this time cause to be frank, i am a person that don't like small and meaningless talks like 'yo, did you went gay with that XXX?' or 'dude, why were you still awake that night, you fappin or something ..blah ..blah ..blah' something similar along the lines.
Ok i have to vent some anger out of mind so below are rants, YOU WERE WARNED.
Well its not bad using them to start a conversation with friends but COME ON, do we really have to talk about masturbation and homosexual activities between friends all the damn time? Also i have to add that conversation like this are only what my friends usually talk about almost everytime we hang out, and everytime i try to pick a bit more serious topic to talk about, they just friggin ignored me.. sigh although at least sometime they talk about girls or dating girls but still it went stale after several conversations about it.
OK... as to why i hate small talks, long story short - I'm a bit more serious about having 'actual' conversations.
After going back to home, i was begining to think i should not go out with them, the reason is as i mentioned before about the conversation concerning of our results. The conversation were simple, we compared results and well i sorta think its wrong and bad for some people that has 'weaker' results, though i should be celebrating with them but i thought about my friends that didn't get to celebrate for obvious reasons.I thought about Jack, a friend of mine whose grades in school usually aren't good at all and he probably won't be celebrating proudly on the he gets his results too. There was also Vincent, he hasn't hang out with me and the others for a long time since he was busy with his part time job and i thought to myself again 'If he went, i probably will too.' That is until i message him about going to hang out.
'Results bad, no mood, not going.' He replied.
That's when something snap in my mind, it was not a day to go celebrate oneself of his success but to bear together the pain of others for their loss in life. I suddenly felt really bad for even asking him to go hang out, it must have really hurt him i guess. So i comfirm to myself that i'm not going to celebrate on that day with the others and message Vincent about not going. Although he didn't reply me, i felt that i just have to tell him that.
Simon wasn't happy about not going cause he didn't have tranport to go back to his home, but i said no anyways as i felt that he had become too dependant on me since i fetch him everytime when a bunch of us were going to eat out.
So this leads me to being at home writing about this day, is it me or something else but i feel the content has a gay feeling to it... probably because i had writing this shit for 3 hours straight and i'm reallllyyy tired, ok i really gonna write something rather 'straight' for a change tomorrow.
To be honest, this is the first time i written something this friggin long for a while, guess i like typing shit, heh. Time for me to hit the hay, more will be added the next midnight(uncomfirmed).
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